Tuesday, January 3, 2012

A new year...

I have been thinking about a question from my last Weight Watchers meeting, really thinking about it! What needs to change in your house, office and car to make Smart Living Spaces?
My car is not a problem (whew!) and office and house are one in the same...
One of the biggest changes I have made since starting WW is measuring.  There is a WW scale on my kitchen counter - RIGHT OUT IN THE OPEN!  and measuring spoons and cups - so no excuses!

Though the biggest personal change for me is half and half, yep the half cream half milk yumminess!  I buy 2 1/2 gallons (not fat free) every two weeks at Costco.  Not only will I not drink my coffee without it but I use it instead of milk in most recipes, it makes everything yummier! Imagine my surprise when I measure 2T 1 point) into my coffee and then another 2 (2 points total) and stop there...my cup is still to low so then I add more water (yes I drink instant), lo and behold I was adding at a minimum a quarter cup of full fat yumminess to my coffee daily!  Holy Cow!

My 2nd personal change in the house was no more crap...Don't get me wrong, there are peanut M&M's in the house for Todd (I don't like them) and there is Peppermint Ice Cream in the freezer (3 points per 1/2 cup) and there will be Schwan's ice cream in the future (went thru the whole catalog and figured points values on all) and snack bags of Frito-Lay chips (5 points a bag) for Meaghan's lunches.  But not a extra large bag of cheddar and sour cream chips (as I can eat the whole bag at a time)! Most things in my pantry and freezer now have points values on them in Sharpie!

It was very weird for me to not make a NYE/NYD spread for us to eat and munch on all weekend... I made a pot of vegetarian chili and yesterday I want to play bingo and have lunch out with a friend - kept me from munching all day, which out here football starts at 9A and goes all day and night it seems...

Baby steps I know but HUGE steps in my mind!

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