Monday, July 16, 2012

So it has been awhile and the foot has healed...and I am down 46lbs and my cancer is back..

YEP, you heard that right, the beast is back and with a vengence!

On Juky 5th at my normally scheduled GYN/Oncology appointment the Doc saw a mass (which explains the spotting and the pain that started on the 3rd) and diagnosed me Stage IV Vulva Cancer AGAIN and scheduled a Total Pelvic Exeneration for Juy 30th.

To say that I am freaked out is putting it mildly!

We are waiting on insurace approval for the PET scan - which will show us if it is contained to the pelvic cavity because if it is not...well then I don't have this awful surgery and let it run its course...and yes I would rather have the surgery than the consequences...

So that is what we know right now and the waiting sucks...

a fundraiser has been set up at



Friday, May 25, 2012


Finally lost hit 40 though on paper because of my cast not really...though I subtracted what the cast weighs I did! Now the harder part was yesterday and now cannot walk for a week at least becauze of the pin holding my toe and foot together...and I am bored and going stir crazy...which of course leads me to food!

My go to food this entire journet has been Coco Pops
At first I just used the regular and topped thrm with everything...peanutbutter, salad, salsa, laughing cow or just plain for the crunch because I sm all about the crunch!

Now they have Maui Onion and a Blueberry Cinnamin to die for!

Since I am now confined to the couch and chair...i have a bag of blueberry cinnamon next to me to
Crunch on as I refuse to let this foot be my undoing in my weight loss journey...i have96lbs to go til I hit my goal!

Monday, April 2, 2012

A day late..

I cannot believe I have not posted since the end of January...oops sorry!  Not that anyone reads this but me!
Where do I stand in this weighloss journey... I reached my 10% last week...I know just 10% but my 10% happens to be


yep you read that right...T H I R T Y  pounds !!!!!!!!


I have to check my weigh book to make sure they subtracted right becuase it is so hard for me to believe!!

And that tops eveything else in my life since I last wrote !!!

Sunday, January 29, 2012


and so my journey continues...
This past Thursday was my 6th since I joined WW and down 20 yes T W E N T Y pounds!!!  Holy cow who would have thunk it!!!
Not only that but more inches are gone

Chest 56 (the same - can't lose my boobs :) )
Waist 50 - 1.5 inches less than least time
Hips 59 - another inch bites the dust

Yes I am utterly amazed with myself and loving it!!!  I think Todd has given up but still tracks his points ...(he did not need to lose any...however when with me and eating he is very careful and considerate!

Funny story (at least to me) ...last week it was really windy and I was walking out of the gun show and my shirt blew up and I guy said ...damn I would pay to see that...really? I was flattered!  Grant you I live in Vegas and it was a Gun Show but...

Friday, January 13, 2012

and so it goes...

It has been awhile since I have posted...just kinda in a funk...

Though I weighed in yesterday and lost 1.2lbs WOOHOO for a total of 15.4lbs in 5 weeks so technically if I keep that up I could be done 150lbs in 50 weeks...(I think I did the math right)!

Most of you know that I work a full time job and sell TastefullySimple...well now I sell DamselinDefense products and am love with, food and safety three of my favorite things!!!  We all need to be able to keep ourselves safe when out and about...I am more aware of it now that I am out riding my thankful to carry my pepper spray again with all the who know what out here in the desert!

It has been a very hard time for me lately and I can't quite put my finger on it but...most of it is dealing with Todd not working. period...It will be three years April and nothing...and no consulting jobs in months and that is biting my ass! but this too shall pass...somehow!

Everything happens for a reason and HE will not give me more than I can handle!

with that...have  a great weekend and keep working towards your goals!

Friday, January 6, 2012

The Good, the bad & the Ugly #2

It has now been a month since I signed up for Weight Watchers and I am amazed with myself and even more so the support of my family and friends!

I weighed in last night and lost 5lbs! That makes a total of 14.2lbs to date and almost at my 5%..I am stoked!!
and to top of that achievement I was measured again...

Chest 53.5 (2 inches smaller)
Waist 51.5 (4 inches smaller)
Hips 60     (2.5 inches smaller)

I am floored!! 8.5 inches off this body!!

It definately has been a hard journey and I still have over 100lbs to go BUT this is one hell of a start for me!
We still continue to eat out a couple of nights a week and even went for Italian on NYE,,,it can be done - you just have to want it!!


Tuesday, January 3, 2012

A new year...

I have been thinking about a question from my last Weight Watchers meeting, really thinking about it! What needs to change in your house, office and car to make Smart Living Spaces?
My car is not a problem (whew!) and office and house are one in the same...
One of the biggest changes I have made since starting WW is measuring.  There is a WW scale on my kitchen counter - RIGHT OUT IN THE OPEN!  and measuring spoons and cups - so no excuses!

Though the biggest personal change for me is half and half, yep the half cream half milk yumminess!  I buy 2 1/2 gallons (not fat free) every two weeks at Costco.  Not only will I not drink my coffee without it but I use it instead of milk in most recipes, it makes everything yummier! Imagine my surprise when I measure 2T 1 point) into my coffee and then another 2 (2 points total) and stop cup is still to low so then I add more water (yes I drink instant), lo and behold I was adding at a minimum a quarter cup of full fat yumminess to my coffee daily!  Holy Cow!

My 2nd personal change in the house was no more crap...Don't get me wrong, there are peanut M&M's in the house for Todd (I don't like them) and there is Peppermint Ice Cream in the freezer (3 points per 1/2 cup) and there will be Schwan's ice cream in the future (went thru the whole catalog and figured points values on all) and snack bags of Frito-Lay chips (5 points a bag) for Meaghan's lunches.  But not a extra large bag of cheddar and sour cream chips (as I can eat the whole bag at a time)! Most things in my pantry and freezer now have points values on them in Sharpie!

It was very weird for me to not make a NYE/NYD spread for us to eat and munch on all weekend... I made a pot of vegetarian chili and yesterday I want to play bingo and have lunch out with a friend - kept me from munching all day, which out here football starts at 9A and goes all day and night it seems...

Baby steps I know but HUGE steps in my mind!